QWL Week

Last week, from 17 to 21 June, we celebrated Quality of Life at Work Week.

What is QWL? It’s a set of conditions designed to improve the well-being of employees in their working environment. This involves action on work organisation, working conditions and even social relations within the company.

To mark this special week, we have organised several activities:
✨ A sophrology class to learn how to better manage stress and boost our mental well-being
💆‍♂️ A seated well-being massage by the Nomad’s team.

These moments of relaxation and conviviality were beneficial on several levels:

🔷 Stress reduction
🔷 Improved concentration
🔷 Strengthened links between colleagues

Thank you to the whole team for their contribution to this wonderful week!


Any questions?

We will be delighted to answer your questions.
