Opening of the TIDE study at Lille University Hospital!

LATTICE MEDICAL announce a new stage in the TIDE study in France: the opening of the first investigating centre, Lille University Hospital.
On September 19, 2023, we announced the opening of the TIDE study in France for our MATTISSE device, a resorbable bioprosthesis for breast reconstruction after total mastectomy.
Today, we are delighted to announce the opening of the first centre, the Lille University Hospital, as part of our TIDE clinical trial.
For further information, please contact Interested patients can contact the Lille University Hospital directly at or!
Lille University Hospital:
– Address: 2 avenue Oscar Lambret, 59037 Lille Cedex
– Secretariat telephone number:
– Prof. Pierre GUERRESCHI
And the good news doesn’t stop there! Other investigator centres will be opening their doors before the end of the year :
– Strasbourg University Hospitals
– Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris
– Tenon Hospital AP-HP, Paris
Stay tuned for more updates on the TIDE project and the opening of the centres!
You can find more information in our updated press release 👉 Update of our press release of 19 September.