Lattice at the SoFCPRE Société Savante congress

We’ll be taking part in the SoFCPRE Société Savante congress
Pr. Pierre Guerreschi, co-founder of LATTICE MEDICAL and plastic surgeon at the Lille University Hospital, will be present at the SOFCPRE Congress, from November 21 to 23, 2024 at the BEFFROI DE MONTROUGE in Paris.
He will be speaking:
🔷 Le 21/11 : Participation in the 2 round tables of the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Chapter and intervention during the Report of the President of the SOFCPRE 2024, Dr. Eric Sorrel Dejerine.
🔷 22/11: Organization and participation in the round table of the Research Ideas and Innovations Chapter, for which he is secretary.
Our investigators from the TIDE clinical trial evaluating the performance and safety of the MATTISSE bioprosthesis will also be present:
🔹 Pr. Frédéric Bodin, deputy secretary general of SOFCPRE and secretary of the general plastic surgery chapter (CHRU de Strasbourg – Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg)
🔹 Pr. Michael Atlan (AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris)
🔹 Dr. Jaume Masia (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau)
🔹 Dr. Nicolas Leymarie (Gustave Roussy)
💡 Want to find out more about our TIDE clinical trial? Visit its dedicated page on our website by clicking here.
📅 Register on site!
📖 See the full program here.