The TIDE study is a clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of MATTISSE.

This is the first time MATTISSE is implanted on a human being. MATTISSE is a resorbable tissue engineering chamber (prosthesis) designed to help regenerate your own tissue. During reconstruction, your fat tissue will be harvested from the intercostal region and implanted into the tissue engineering chamber. Over time, your own tissues will regenerate inside the chamber and grow to restore volume to your breast.Once your tissues have developed, the chamber will reabsorb over the months.

Patients requiring further information on their eligibility are invited to contact the Lille University Hospital directly: or and complete the following questionnaire:


The study in a few figures


research centres


different countries


months of study


patients included

The study process

To be considered valid, a scientific study has to follow a strict process.


Inclusion visit

Medical examination with your surgeon. He or she will tell you about the study and make sure you can take part. If you agree, you can sign a consent form.


Surgical procedure

Breast reconstruction after planning with your doctor.


Exit and follow-up consultations

Leaving hospital, consultations every 15 days until healing. Then visits at 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years after surgery. The surgeon will check that everything is going well with a clinical examination. You will be asked to complete questionnaires. An MRI scan will be performed at each visit.

Carte des centres essai clinique TIDE

Centres taking part in the study

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