Electronic User Manuals
In this section, you can view, download, and later print the user manuals for Lattice Medical medical devices, as well as the summary of safety and clinical performance characteristics (SSCP) and the surgical technique related to our products.
Please note that the latest version of each document corresponds to the most recent date.
In addition to providing electronic user manuals, Lattice Medical is committed to supplying paper format manuals upon request.

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If needed, we can provide an additional paragraph of text at the bottom of the page, for example, for page referencing purposes.
Feel free to contact us if you cannot find the user manual.
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To ensure optimal operation quality, please confirm your email address so that we can keep you informed of any updates to the document you are about to download.
*by validating this form, I accept the general conditions of use*by validating this form, I accept the general conditions of use
The data collected will be used solely to process users’ requests in accordance with GDPR regulations. Users can withdraw their consent to the use of the data collected via this form at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy.
The information collected in this section will be used to send the user manual in paper format at no additional cost. The user manual will be sent to you no later than 7 calendar days following the receipt of your request or upon delivery of the product if the request was made at the time of ordering.
*by validating this form, I accept the general conditions of use*by validating this form, I accept the general conditions of use
The data collected will be used solely to process users’ requests in accordance with GDPR regulations. Users can withdraw their consent to the use of the data collected via this form at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy.